Monday, December 12, 2011

The Saga of the New Pet With A Stinky Disposition!

Sourdough Miner
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The handsome fellow in the photo is fortunately not the new pet I am talking about.  But, I am sure this fellow would appreciate some of my new pet and he would most likely put it to good use!

Ahh, you are thinking....
"Susan has been hitting the spirit filled Holiday Eggnog again!  What on earth is she talking about this time?"

I am talking about our new Sourdough Starter!  We (Cousin Sandra, Neighbor Ann and I) got a wild hare the other day when we were talking about ways to become more self sufficient.  I think the question was "How can we make bread if we could no longer get yeast?"  Well, me and my big mouth piped up and said "There's always Sourdough starter!"

Sourdough Starter in Jar
What remains of my first
quite successful baking of
a Sourdough Boule
A view of what the new shelving
for spices and teas looks
like in my beautiful orange kitchen!

Okay, now, I did not know what I was getting into when I became the proud owner of a smidgen of Sourdough starter.  It's kinda like getting a FREE puppy or kitten.....uh, there really is no such thing.  Yes, the lovely little creature may not have a price tag when you are happily whisking her away to join your family....but, just wait til you make that stop at Walmart or Pet Smart and buy all the stuff that little critter will need just to start out. Then there are shots, flea drops, tick collars, more dog or kitty food, dogie Christmas presents, obedience school, advanced obedience school, get the picture.  Sounds like the voice of experience, dontcha think!

My favorite baking flour just happens to be King Arthur flour.  Why you may ask.  Well, I hate to admit it, but I just like the whole idea of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table and the beautiful Guenevere, the wicked (misguided?) witches and beautiful black stallions decked out in glistening gold armor.  Oh, yes, flour, back to the flour....King Arthur flour is a quality flour and they have a great

photo by
Anyway, they just happen to have sourdough starter for sale and the stuff has a pedigree!  We will get into the pedigree business later.  And it was only $6.95 plus shipping (which cost as much as said starter).  You could buy a cute little King Arthur canister to house your starter for $26.95 plus shipping.  Uhh, not at this time Thank you.  My starter can live in a mason jar just like all the starters before it....well, actually, they probably lived in crockery pots but I don't have one of those, so a glass jar will have to do!

Now, I didn't warn you or maybe I did that this is a saga....a tale.....a story about my adventure with my new starter, the history of sourdough, and baking.

Oh, and we may have to interrupt this sour saga because next Saturday is Christmas!  So, I will post something seasonally appropriate.....whatever!

Not to give away too much of the story yet....but if you would like to have your very own Sourdough starter please let me know because this thing is already starting to multiply!  Just email me at: and NO!, I will not trade for a puppy, kitten or anything possessing 2,4 or no legs!

Well, I will leave you now with the knowledge that the sourdough is happily souring in its pretty jar in the frig.  This tale will continue in a couple weeks, so until then, enjoy the holiday season, stay warm and eat a holiday cookie for me and Chi!  Oh, I have tried to take photos of Chi with fake reindeer antlers.  It's not pretty.   I don't know, but some of the Christmas joy is lost when you get a photo of a SNARLING dog with fake reindeer antlers.  Happily yours, Susan

If you are a dog and your owner suggest that you wear a sweater, suggest that he wear a tail.
Fran Lebowitz

The Pug that ate Christmas!
Photo by


  1. You are so funny, Susan!

    Charlie LOVES sourdough bread and has fond memories of keeping a starter in the fridge back in his bachelor days. I've always hesitated starting a starter for the same reason I'll never keep guppies, again.

    Keep on writing, you're doing great!


  2. Susan,
    I just asked Jill today if she knew where I could get some sourdough starter! How do I go about taking some of that bounty off your hands? I live near Reilly Springs (south of Sulphur Springs).
